Class Descriptions

  • Ashtanga

    Ashtanga is based on the primary series of Ashtanga with opportunities to incorporate postures from both the second and third series. The basic foundation of the class is a set series of postures that is the same every time, allowing students to progress over time as they keep showing up to the mat. Students move through a series of sun salutation warm-ups, standing postures, balancing postures, seated postures, forward folds, twists, backbends, and inversions. Each pose will be held for 5 breaths. This class requires some strength, flexibility, and deep breathing techniques. All levels are welcome but some prior experience with Vinyasa or flow-based classes can be helpful.

  • Gentle Yoga

    Gentle Yoga is tailored toward students looking for a calming practice at a slow and comfortable pace. Standard asanas will be held for longer periods of time with options for modification or the use of props to make the postures more accessible. The emphasis will be on relaxation and breath awareness. This is the perfect class for beginners, those with physical limitations, or those that would simply like to release tension and relax.

  • Outdoor Yoga

    This fun and creative outdoor class is a “Yoga For All” style practice suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced. Instructors will offer something for everyone whether you've never practiced before or you practice daily. Connect with yourself, your community, and nature in this class designed to leave you feeling welcomed, supported, and just the right amount of challenge. We blend the safety and distance of a virtual practice with the communal and energy-building nature of an in-person practice. All are welcome.

  • Restorative Yoga & Singing Bowls

    In this down-regulating restorative and sound healing fusion class, students will relax into gentle and restorative stretching postures. The sound vibration of the crystal singing bowls will help you release tension deep inside the body as well as ease your mind. This class is both a therapeutic and meditative practice that can help balance chakra energy, reduce stress, and will allow students to leave feeling relaxed and restored.

  • Slow Flow

    Slow Flow is a slower, more intentionally paced Vinyasa flow class in which we explore each posture for a longer period of time allowing an opportunity to really focus on breathing deeply and deliberately. The slow and fluid pace of this class allows more space for meditation and mindfulness while cultivating stable self-centering energy.

  • Vinyasa

    In Vinyasa we align our movement with our breath and asanas are linked together in a flowing sequence. The style and pace will differ based on the teacher with opportunities to increase or decrease intensity to fit your personal practice. Students will feel the benefits of developing strength, flexibility, and a sense of calm as they dynamically move through this practice. Teachers will offer opportunities to modify both with and without the use of props to make asanas more accessible for beginners while also cueing variations that allow experienced students to challenge themselves. All levels are welcome.

  • Yin

    Yin yoga is a meditative practice focused on the passive holding of postures for 3 to 5 minutes. Through deep relaxation, we release deeply held tension in the muscles and connective tissue, encouraging the free flow of energy in the body. Longer holds accompanied with breath awareness give the body-mind time to slow down and settle into stillness.

  • Yoga For All

    We believe that yoga is for every body! This class offers something for everyone, whether you’ve practiced every day for the past 10 years or this is your first time stepping onto the mat. We move at a slower pace compared to our typical Vinyasa class. You can expect to do fewer sun salutations in this class and sometimes you may not do any at all. Teachers will focus on holding poses longer and emphasizing both alignment and the foundational aspects of each asana.

  • Chair Yoga

    Chair Yoga is a gentle form of yoga in which students practice either sitting or using chairs for support in various postures. This class is designed to mindfully increase range of motion and body awareness while meeting students where they are. Chair Yoga is great for beginners, those with limited mobility, or those simply looking for a centering gentle practice.

  • Restore & More

    Restore & More is a series of yoga offerings that direct attention inward, through various guided meditations and slower, more introspective gentle, and restorative asanas. This down-regulating class will help ease your mind, reduce stress, and give you space to breathe in the middle of your busy week.