Journey Through the Chakras
Yoga Series

Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:15 pm (Feb. 19th - Apr. 2nd)

Embark on an exploration of the energetic centers of the subtle body with our Journey Through the Chakras yoga series. Over the course of seven weeks, you'll explore the seven major chakras—each associated with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual qualities. Through a carefully designed sequence of asanas (yoga poses), breathing techniques, and meditation practices, this series will help you reconnect with your body and restore a greater sense of balance in your life.

Each week we will focus our attention on a different chakra as we release, awaken, and energize. This will include a 60-75 minute all-levels vinyasa/hatha style practice every Wednesday at 6:00 pm from Feb. 19th-April 2nd. Over the course of seven weeks, we will aim to integrate the entire being while exploring deeper qualities of self-awareness.

You can attend any number or complete the entire series. This class is included in all class packages and memberships. The class schedule will be as follows:

2/19 Muladhara (Root) Chakra

The journey begins at the base of your spine, focusing on grounding and stability. We'll work with poses that strengthen the legs and hips, promote a sense of security, and help you feel more rooted in the present moment.

2/26 Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra

Move into your creative center and explore fluidity, energetic actions, and emotional balance. This week, we'll focus on stimulating circulation through sun salutations and flow-based movement. We'll also incorporate hip-opening poses and breath awareness to release tension and tap into your innate creativity and joy.

3/5 Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra

This week, we ignite the fire of confidence and personal power. Core-strengthening poses and breath practices will help you build inner strength and cultivate a sense of control and purpose in your life.

3/12 Anahata (Heart) Chakra

Open your heart to love and compassion. Through heart-opening poses, backbends, and pranayama (breathing techniques), we'll work on dissolving emotional blockages and fostering connection, self-love, and kindness.

3/19 Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra

Find your authentic voice and express yourself with clarity. This week we will practice poses that draw awareness to the throat and neck region, along with pranayama (breathing techniques) to enhance communication, listening, and self-expression.

3/26 Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra

Awaken your intuition and inner wisdom. This week’s focus will be on discernment. We will promote mental clarity, insight, and connection to self through forward bends and taking inventory of sensory feedback through longer holds in poses.

4/2 Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra

The final week of the journey invites you to connect with the infinite through integration of all the prior chakras. We will incorporate components of asana, pranayama, and meditation touched on in previous classes to explore a sense of spiritual awareness, alignment, and oneness.

Please keep in mind that this is a movement-based practice in which some prior yoga experience is highly recommended. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. No refunds or transfers. Registration opens 1-month prior to class date.

Slow Flow & Yoga Nidra

Sunday, April 6th (10:00 - 11:15 am)

In this combination class, we pair a focused and deliberate slow vinyasa flow with relaxing yoga nidra. We will begin class with a slow intentionally paced flow in which we pause to explore some postures for several breaths. The slow and fluid pace allows space for mindfulness while cultivating stable self-centering energy. We will complement our movement practice with a short yoga nidra toward the end of class. Nidra is a guided meditation practice designed to create a sense of wholeness and balance through a state of deep but conscious relaxation. Nidra uses a variety of techniques—including guided imagery and body scanning—to aid relaxation and offer healing in the body and mind. This class is for all levels of experience. Beginners are welcome!

Class passes or memberships can be used to attend. Space is limited. Please pre-register.

Kids Yoga

Friday, April 11th (6:00-7:00 pm)

Join Yoga Spot for a Kids Night Out for children ages 5-10. Parents and guardians can enjoy a Friday evening in downtown Meadville while their kids learn about yoga. Class size is limited to 10 children so please pre-register your child on the MINDBODY app (liability waiver must be signed by parent/guardian) or by clicking the button below.

Yoga Spot Kids will be introduced to a thorough yoga practice where they will learn breathing techniques, meditation, yoga poses, and deep relaxation through games, stories, songs, props, and crafts. Please bring a water bottle.


Cultivating Abundance & Generosity:
Yoga & Meditation

Join us Sunday, April 13th at 11:30 AM for Cultivating Abundance & Generosity: Yoga & Meditation with Jennifer Hellwarth (E-RYT 500, YACEP). Often, the best antidote to feelings of scarcity, stress, and tension is not to put up new walls or withdraw from the world. Instead, it is shifting our attention to one of abundance and generosity – experiencing abundance in ourselves and cultivating the willingness to share it, whether it is time, resources, or just goodwill and good feeling, with others. Through gentle asana (yoga postures) and meditation, we’ll explore the visceral experience of abundance and generosity, learning to sense in our bodies when we feel ourselves truly being open to others and new possibilities.

No yoga or meditation experience required. Beginners and experienced practitioners welcome!

Use class plass, membership, or drop-in for $15.

Sunday, April 13th (11:30am - 12:45pm)

Yoga at Davenport Cidery & Winery

Friday, May 2nd (6:30-7:30 pm)

Join Yoga Spot Meadville as we jumpstart the weekend with a Friday evening yoga class at Davenport Cidery & Winery! Admission includes an accessible 60-minute yoga class suitable for all levels inside Davenport's event hall, followed by a beverage (cider, wine, or beer) of your choice in their beautifully restored rustic barn-style tasting room.

We encourage each participant to bring their own mat. If you would like us to provide a mat for you, please email us at and we will be sure to have one available for your use.

Davenport Cidery & Winery is located at 13124 Townline Road, Meadville, PA 16335. Please park in the lower lot located across the street from the event hall on Hobbs Rd. If that lot is full, there is additional parking located between the event hall and the tasting room and excess parking along Townline Rd.

Pre-registration is required.
No refunds or transfers.