
Kris Gosnell

Kris has been a student of yoga since 2005 and began teaching yoga classes in 2018. Kris completed her 200-hour teacher training at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Stockbridge, MA in 2018. She is an RYT 200 instructor with Yoga Alliance. Guiding her practice and teachings is the knowledge and wisdom of the teachers she has been privileged to learn from. Compassion is at the core of Kris’s training and she encourages students to explore their yoga practice with “compassionate self-observation without judgment”. Kris believes yoga is accessible to all and utilizes modifications, breath, and sensation to create space to explore our bodies in movement. She believes transformation happens when we can take the lessons we learn on-the-mat and incorporate them into our off-the-mat world.

Off-the-mat, Kris enjoys caring for others as a registered nurse and spending time outdoors – riding her horse, working in the garden, exploring local waters in a kayak, and hiking. She is often accompanied by her husband or one of her sons.